NKU BFA Exhibit

Onerism: A Dream Awake

Ceramic sculpture and video installation

BFA Exhibit at SOTA Northern Kentucky University


Collection included three large heads, triple tier center piece,  and stand with face

Installation space was 8ft by 10 ft and include a 3 minute stop-motion video projection created by the artist

The gallery space was completely layered with landscaping sod for the viewer to walk over while viewing the exhibit.

All clay used for the sculptures within the installation, was hand mixed by the artist in small batches in the Ceramic Arts Department.


Art Exhibit was up for one week Spring Semester, May 2013

Cold Springs, Kentucky


Head #3 was purchased by a private collector after Gallery showing at 1305 Gallery on Main Street (Cincinnati, OH)

Two of the three ceramic tiers are now displayed at KTCHN, a kitchen furniture store. (Newport, Kentucky)

One tier is owned by a private residence. (Somerset, KY)